Ideas for Chief Student Affairs Officers to Support NCAAW...

1. Honor student organizations that promote healthy lifestyles with a letter of recognition, phone call, E-mail, or sponsor a luncheon.

2. Write an article or letter to the editor of the student newspaper regarding the importance of the week of awareness and year of action to decrease alcohol-related problems on campus.

3. Encourage staff and faculty to participate in events of the week. Provide incentives or flex time.

4. Create a task force to review policy and make suggestions toward developing a healthier environment. Include community members and alumni on the committee.

5. Meet with Academic Administrators and ask for help, ideas and support for the NCAAW on your campus. Encourage curriculum infusion of alcohol-related issues into each discipline during the week.

6. Provide money for mini-grants for student organizations to sponsor alcohol-free events.

7. Ask Parking Services to include a “Don’t drink and drive” or “Wear your seat belt” messages to the parking passes issued by the institution.

8. Initiate a student leader town meeting on the issues of alcohol abuse on your campus. Ask leaders from Peer Education, Greek Community, Academic Honors Groups, and Athletic Teams to participate.

9. Meet with students who have been in the judicial system for alcohol-related problems. Ask for their input and suggestions.

10. Meet with local bar owners to discuss policies and mutual safety issues surrounding the campus.